This is the second part of the graph theory notes. We take a look at Degree of a Vertex and the so-called Hand-Shaking Lemma in this post.

The book followed throughout is: Graph Theory with Applications by Bondy J.A., Murty U.S.R.. Please refer to the book for examples as well as visual graph drawings.

Degree of a Vertex

The degree of a vertex $v$ in a graph $G$, denoted by $d_G(v)$ (or simply, $d(v)$ if the context of graph is clear), is the number of edges incident to $v$ of $G$. Each loop is counted as two edges. $\delta(G)$ and $\Delta(G)$ are used to represent the minimum and maximum degrees of the vertices of $G$ respectively. A vertex is odd if the degree is odd, else it is even.

Let $G(V,E)$ be a graph where $V,E$ are the vertex and edge set respectively. If it happens that for ALL vertex $v$, $d(v) = k$ for some $k$, then the graph $G$ is called k-regular. The complete graph on $n$ vertices is $(n-1)$ regular.


Theorem[I]: For any graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, the sum of degrees of all the vertices is twice as large as the number of edges. In symbols, if the $n$ vertices are $V = \lbrace v_1, v_2, \dots, v_n \rbrace$ then $$\sum\limits_{k = 1}^n d(v_k) = 2 |E|$$

This is popularly known as the Hand-Shaking Lemma.

Theorem[II]: In any finite graph $G$, the number of vertices with odd degree is even.

Theorem[III]: A vertex is at most adjacent to other $n-1$ vertices in a simple graph on $n$ vertices i.e $$d(v) \leqslant n-1$$ for all $v \in V.$

Let there be $n$ vertices of type $x$ all contained in the set $X$ i.e, $X = \lbrace x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n \rbrace$ and $m$ vertices of type $y$ in $Y$ as $Y = \lbrace y_1, y_2, \dots, y_m\rbrace$ then $X \cap Y = \phi$ and if we connect $x_i$ with $y_i$ if a relationship exists then an edge $(x_i, y_i)$ is formed. This graph $G$ is called a bipartite graph, or even graph and is denoted by $G = (X,Y; E)$

If $G$ is a simple graph on $n$ vertices, then if we generate a graph by deleting all the edges belonging to $G$ from the complete graph $K_n$, this is called the complementary graph of G, denoted by $\bar{G}$. The complement of the graph with $n$ vertices and no edges is the complete graph on $n$ vertices, and is denoted $K_{n}$.


  • Looking for some contradiction with the use of Hand-Shaking Lemma.
  • Selectively looking for what the degree of a vertex value can be.
  • Looking at the subgraph by deleting some edges, vertices and then reaching some contradiction.
  • Getting bounds on the degree of all vertex values.
  • Viewing $d(v)$ as some algebraic object to use inequalities in it.


1. Show that at any party, there are always at least two people with exactly the same number of friends at the party.

2. A cube with edge of length $n$ is cut into $n^3$ unit cubes by planes parallel to its sides. How many pairs of unit cubes whose common vertices are no more than $2$ are there?

3. There are $n$ points on the plane. Prove that the number of pairs of points whose distance is $1$ would not exceed $$\frac{n}{4} + \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}n^{\frac{3}{2}}$$