My Graph Theory Notes - Part 9
This is the final part of the graph theory notes. We take a look at Tournaments.
So far all the graphs encountered were undirected
that is, none of the edges that stood for “relationship” between two vertex had any direction. If we attach some directional information to an edge, then the graph is called a directed
graph. Let the directional information be represented by an arrow which points to a vertex from another vertex, the from side has the arrow and is called an arc
in literature. If there is an arc from $v_i$ to $v_j$ then the pair is represented as $(v_i,v_j)$ and the order is fixed. A directed graph is represented as $G = (V,U)$ where the $V$ stands for the usual vertex set and $U$ stands for the arc set composed of directed pairs like $(v_i,v_j)$ etc if an arc exists. The directed graph also follow the simple nature.
The number of arcs which have the starting point from $v_i$ have a name, outdegree
represented by $d^{\star}(v_i)$. Similarly the number of arcs whose arrow points to $v_i$ also have a name, indegree
represented by $d^{\circ}(v)$.
We call a directed graph a tournament
if the graph contains $n$ vertices and there is only one arc joining every two vertices. We denote the directed graph by $\overline{K_n}$.
In a directed graph $D = (V,U)$ let there exist distinct arcs $u_i$. If the starting point of $u_i$ is $v_i$ and endpoint of $u_i$ is $v_{i+1}$ for $i \in \lbrace 1,2,3, \ldots , n \rbrace $ then $n$ is called the length of the directed path from $v_1$ to $v_{n+1}$, and if $v_1 = v_{n+1}$ then this path is called a circuit.
Theorem 1
: Let $v_i$ be the vertices of a tournament $\overline{K_n}$ for $i \in \lbrace 1,2,3, \ldots \rbrace$ then, $$\sum\limits_{k=1}^n d^{\star}(v_k) = \sum\limits_{k=1}^n d^{\circ}(v_k) = \frac{1}{2} n (n-1)$$
Theorem 2
: There exists a vertex in a tournament so that there is a path from it to any other vertices. The maximum length of the paths is 2.
Theorem 3
: If the vertex of $\overline{K_n}$ with maximum outdegree is unique, then this outdegree is $n-1$.
Theorem 4
: Tournament $\overline{K_n}$ contains a Hamiltonian path whose length is $n-1$.
Theorem 5
: The tournament $\overline{K_n}$ for $n \geqslant 3$ contains a circuit which is a triangle, if and only if there are two vertices $v,v^{\prime}$ which satisfy $$d^{\star}(v) = d^{\circ}(v^{\prime})$$
Prove that if a tournament $\overline{K_n}$ contains a circuit, then $\overline{K_n} contains a triangular circuit.
There are $100$ species of insects. Among every two of them
there is one species who can eliminate another species. (But A
eliminates B, B eliminates C, which does not mean that A eliminates
C . ) Prove that the $100$ species of insects can be arranged in an order so
that any species can perish another species next to it.